How young was the youngest person to ever get Assisted Suicide? 14? 16? No, the youngest person to ever get Assisted Suicide was a three-day-old baby girl. In Holland during 1990 a Dutch Minister Of Justice assisted in the suicide of the baby for she was paralyzed at birth and she had extreme brain damage, she only had weeks to live. Her parents didn't want her to go through the pain with being paralyzed and having brain trauma, even though she only had weeks, it was still to much pain for a baby to go through. To much pain for the baby, and to much pain for her parents so they decided to give her assisted suicide.


Below is where Jack Kevorkian grew up and lived most of his life, Pontiac Michigan. He spent his childhood playing on it's streets and he spent his collage life at a medical school in Michigan. Once he finished his collage years, he became a doctor for a major part of his life but a couple of years ago he quit his job so he could help demolish the nation wide law, the law against Assisted Suicide. So far he hasnt succeded but, he hasnt given up either. Dr. Kevorkian is going to try to change the law until he dies.
Below is a graph I have created o show the percentage of patients over sixty that request assisted suicide.