Jack Kevorkian

Dr. Jack Kevorkian was a major leap in Assisted Suicide. He assisted in the suicides of over one hundred people during the span of ten years, granted the patients had asked Dr. Kevorkian to assist in their deaths. He would check their medical history and then would see how much longer the patient would have to suffer, if it was more then a month he would end their pain for them. The machine Dr. Kevorkian is by in this picture can assist in the deaths of patients. The patient would push a button on the side on the machine and then a deadly liquid would drip into their viens and reach their heart but they would feel no pain, death in four minutes.

David Lewis

David was a AIDS consoler. In the year of 1990 David assisted in the suicides of eight of his patients. Apperently they had begged for Assisted Suicide for they were tired of people calling them names like "dirty" and "sick" they were also living in fear because people would try to fight them because they had AIDS. If they had never been called those names, the patients would probably still be alive, but because they were called names and were living in fear, they choose to have Assisted Suicide from their own consoler.
Their are always going to be more people assisting in suicides, and there is many others, it wasn't just Dr. Kevorkian and Dr. Lewis, but they had big parts in Assisted Suicide, Assisted Suicide has been going on for hundreds of years, and it's not just going to stop. We can't wake up one day and Assisted Suicide have never existed, many wish it to be that way, but it can't. Not only one person can change the world, and if they could, not in one day at least.