Assisted Suicide

Is it an act of kindness, or a murderess betrayal?

Why is Assisted Suicide counted as wrong?

Why is Assisted Suicide counted as right?

People believe that Assisted Suicide is the work of the Devil in a humans body, since most people count it as murder for the person assisting in the suicide, and just suicide for the person asking, that then both of the people will go to the Devils house. But others see Assisted Suicide as their only savior. They believe that if it was wrong then it would not be allowed for God would see it as murder and then He would not allow it, but it is not murder, so it is not seen or counted as murder. It is Assisted Suicide, I would rather take a family member out of his/ her pain if she/ he was in that amount of pain. Ahuman shouldnt be foced to lilve with that pain, feeling as if their blood is boiling on the inside and lilke their skin is peeling off.

Assisted Suicide to many is counted as muder, right? If someone were to ask you what Assisted Suicide was, what would you say? Would it be along the lines of "Something that helps murder a person"? Well if thats what you think of Assisted Suicide, your wrong. Assisted Suicide is the suicide of a patient suffering from an incurable disease, affected by taking lethal drugs provided by a doctor. If you or one of your loved ones was in a tremendous amount of pain, would you end their pain or would you let the suffer beyond any point imaginable?